Announcer: Today, we have a special treat for all you Mario fans and Sonic fans! Please welcome the characters of Mario and Sonic!
(Crowd cheers)
Mario: Let's see what you got, you blue butted hedgehog!
Sonic: I'd like to see a try, you mushroom gobbling plumber!
(Mario and Sonic start to punch each other)
Mario: Mario says: GAME OVER!!!
(Mario charges a big old fireball)
Sonic: What do you mean by-oh! Right! You're gonna kill me with that fireball.
Mario: You bet your Chaos Emeralds, Sonic!
(Mario throws the fireball)
Luigi: Shadow! I've waited five days for this!
Shadow: Just try to lay even one simple scar, you chicken plumber!
Luigi: You were right on the 'plumber' part. But you weren't right about the-well, maybe I do sometimes act like a chicken.
Shadow: Zip your mouth! You shouldn't talk when you are gonna get it, bub!
Sonic: *screaming*
Shadow: NOOOOOO! SONIIIIIICCC! Argh! Darn you, you stupid Mario!
Mario: Correction: YOU'RE stupid!
Shadow: That is... true!
Mario: HA! HA! You SO admitted that!
Shadow: OH SHOOT! He discovered my secret truth! I'm stupid!
Announcer: Go, Shadow! *cough* loser!